Sunday, October 14, 2012

Day 14: Secret

Day 14: Secret
I've been watching a live stream that a man was going up very high in a capsule with the biggest balloon to the sky from Roswell, New Mexico then doing free fall for more than 4 minutes to make a record. In the middle of the contacts between the capsule and the controlling center on the ground, they told us there was a problem on his face cover. Then the live stream just showed just the controlling center for a while. They were secretly talking about the problem if it's how serious and if it affects his free fall from 128,000 feet. At the end and he was back to the earth without any problems. It may have been a created story to make it dramatic more but I was exhausted finishing watching it for 2 hours and a half. It is a good way to spend my Sunday?


  1. I watched this too, first on my computer and then on TV. Amazing. And after all that he landed on his feet!

  2. I never thought he would pull this stunt off. I'm so glad he made it through safely.

  3. I still can not believe he did it. What a CRAZY man!

  4. I can barely climb a 6-foot ladder. This, is just insane..

  5. My husband was just telling me about this. So glad he made it safely.

  6. I was saying earlier, you have to be insane to want to do this, Lol. I am sure it was intense to watch the whole thing!

  7. Oh mannn I missed it! Glad he is safe. I wonder if it was "planned" that he would have a "problem?" I will have to look online at the video!

  8. This is an amazing, if foolish, story. I can't believe he fell 24 miles with nothing but a parachute, breaking the speed of sound. I couldn't handle the stress.
