Friday, October 19, 2012

Day 19: Steel

Day 19: Steel
It's my steel and I can't cook without it. When I stay in foreign country and there are only small knives, I buy one like this. I don't like to do dishes but like cooking!


  1. I won't mess with you while you are in the kitchen!

  2. Ah, yes! Definitely a kitchen essential!

  3. I have a Japanese knife with the same tsuchime, or indentations in the blade. I'm fascinated by Japanese swords, cutlery and tools. They make amazing steel using a process that's very different from the Western production style. I own a small wood saw, for example, that cuts on the pull instead of the push stroke, which not only makes it easier to use, but allows for much finer or narrower cut.

    Good thinking for today's theme, Coco!

  4. I'm with you on the dishes. I cook - my husband cleans up - works great for us. I like that knife. I prefer big ones like this too.

  5. Ok, that's my next knife. It's awesome.

  6. Oh my...we can't have something like that in this house ;)

  7. That looks like a knife I need. I love a good sharp knife with a substantial handle. Nice take on this prompt, Coco.

  8. Uh, we're good, right Coco?

  9. That is one serious looking knife! I'll have to remember not to offend you, Coco!

  10. I have a small one like that I really like. I would love to have a bigger one!
