Friday, October 5, 2012

Day 5: Lotion

Day 5: Lotion
I don't know if it still describes "lotion" as "gas" but this picture is at a gas station. The price of gas changes 3 times a day sometimes and I was surprised about it because in Japan gas price stays for a week or for two weeks. It's been getting higher compared to when I came to Montreal almost 2 years ago. And I wonder why I feel I never see the dropping prices of the gas.


  1. Well, according to Jamie anything liquid that goes into a car is "lotion" so I think you chose well. ;) Then again, we all know how the Yemenian feel about lotion.

  2. I'm lost, I admit it. But not as lost as the Mongolians when it comes to lotion.

  3. I have never heard gas called lotion before. I wonder how many people I could confuse around here by doing so.

  4. Dadgummit, it's lotion, I'm telling you.

  5. So terribly confused. Is gas called lotion in Japan? Or have those Canadians made a mess of things . . . again?

  6. I vacationed in Canada recently and don't recall seeing any lotion anywhere!
